Priority 4: Serving the City, Together
In this episode of the Collaboration Podcast, special guest Brian Sanders, founder of the Tampa Underground, shares principles and vision for collaboration as an invitation for pastors to the upcoming January 9 Round Table. Guest Dan Claassen shares about foster care as a specific example of the potential for collaboration - identifying many "lanes" for individual Christians and churches to engage with the orphans in our city.
In short, we all need to shift our thinking from organizational ("how will this benefit my church's bottom line?") to movemental ("what would it look like if we worked together on this?"). We need the posture of learners and listeners more than leaders and speakers - calling out the interests, resources and passions of every follower of Jesus. Dan says it well, “We need to put down our brochures and listen.” This from a guy helping to coordinate around 50 organizations in our region all dedicated to foster care and adoption. You know they all have nice glossy brochures!
Don’t just check out this episode, join the bigger conversation by contacting Dan Claassen for more information on serving the orphans in Tampa Bay or contacting David Oates for more information for senior pastors on the January 9 Round Table event.